
Articles Posted in Intellectual Property Law


Patent Trolls – A Growing Problem Receives National Attention

Litigation by patent-assertion entities (“PAEs,” commonly known as “patent trolls”) has skyrocketed in the last two years.  A chart released by the White House in a June 2013 report entitled “Patent Assertion and U.S. Innovation” demonstrates that such trolls now file over 60% of all patent-infringement lawsuits.  (The red portion…


U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Indiana Farmer in “Roundup Ready” Soybean Patent Decision

Washington D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that “patent exhaustion” does not bar an infringement claim against Indiana farmer Vernon Bowman for reproducing patented seeds by planting and harvesting second generation seeds without the patent holder’s permission.  Bowman v. Monsanto Co., U.S., No 11-796, 5/13/2013.  Monsanto produces and…


Northern District of Indiana Amends Local Rules Effective January 1, 2013

Local Rules for the Northern District of Indiana have been revised and are effective January 1, 2013. The rules which have been amended are L.R. 1-1, L.R. 5-3, L.R. 6-1, L.R. 16-1, L.R. 83-6.7, L.Cr.R. 47-2, L.Cr.R. 47-3 and Local Patent Rules LPR 1-1 through 6-1. A complete copy of…


Indiana Court Denies Motions to Sever and Quash in Bittorrent Porn Copyright Infringement Suit

Fort Wayne, IN – Copyright attorney Paul Nicoletti filed a lawsuit on behalf of Malibu Media in the Northern District of Indiana alleging copyright infringement of the pornographic movie “Romantic Memories.” It alleges the infringement occurred by downloading it using the Internet file sharing “bittorrent” protocol. The suit was against…


Patent Office Proposes New Rules for Patent Attorneys

Washington, DC. The US Patent Office has released a proposed new set of rules of professional responsibility, completely redrafted from the present professional responsibility rules. The proposed rules would cover patent lawyers in Indiana and elsewhere, and are based on the American Bar Association’s 1983 Model Rules. The Office also…


CP Productions, Inc. Sues John Doe for copyright Infringement of Video: “GH Hustlers – Maryjane’s Second Visit”

Indianapolis IN – Copyright lawyers for CP Productions, Inc. of Phoenix, AZ filed a copyright infringement declaratory judgment suit in alleging John Doe, an alleged serial infringer known at this time only by an IP address, infringed the copyrighted work “GH Hustlers – Maryjane’s Second Visit” which has been registered…


U.S. Patent Office Publishes Rules Implementing the America Invents Act

Washington, DC. On Thursday, July 26, 2012, the United States Patent Office published in the Federal Register proposed rules and proposed examination guidelines for the first-inventor-to-file provision of the America Invents Act. The first-inventor-to-file provision converts the United States from a “first-to-invent” to a “first-inventor-to-file” system. The proposed rules and…


APP Press Sues Apress Media for Declaration of Non- Infringement of Trademark “App Press”

Indianapolis; IN – Trademark attorneys for App Press, LLC of Indianapolis, Indiana filed a declaratory judgment suit seeking a declaration that it is not infringing the trademarks of Apress Media, LLC of New York, New York. App Press, LLC brings action against Apress Media, LLC in order to protect the…


Dillinger Sues Pour House on Lincoln for Trademark Infringement of PUBLIC ENEMY

Indianapolis; IN – Trademark attorneys for Dillinger, LLC of Mooresville, Indiana filed a complaint for injunctive relief and damages in alleging The Pour House on Lincoln, Inc. d/b/a Dillinger’s Chicago Bar & Grill, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois infringed trademark registration nos. 3,483,359 for the mark DILLINGER’S and no. 4,091,160 for…


Tower Reinforcement Sues Crown Castle International for Patent Infringement of TOWER REINFORCEMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD

Indianapolis; IN – Patent attorneys for Tower Reinforcement of Newburgh, Indiana filed a patent infringement suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging Crown Castle International and Crown Castle Operating of Houston, Texas, and Aero Solutions, LLC of Boulder, Colorado infringed patent no.7,849,659, TOWER REINFORCEMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD, which has been…

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