
Articles Posted in Trademarks Issued


194 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in May, 2012

The US Trademark Office issued the following 194 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in May, 2012, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys: Registration No. Mark  1 4149541 ESENSE INCORPORATED IN EVERYTHING WE DO VIEW  2 4151667 COOL CURE 365 VIEW  3 4150758 PRESS GANEY OUTCOMES DRIVEN.…


APP Press Sues Apress Media for Declaration of Non- Infringement of Trademark “App Press”

Indianapolis; IN – Trademark attorneys for App Press, LLC of Indianapolis, Indiana filed a declaratory judgment suit seeking a declaration that it is not infringing the trademarks of Apress Media, LLC of New York, New York. App Press, LLC brings action against Apress Media, LLC in order to protect the…


Dillinger Sues Pour House on Lincoln for Trademark Infringement of PUBLIC ENEMY

Indianapolis; IN – Trademark attorneys for Dillinger, LLC of Mooresville, Indiana filed a complaint for injunctive relief and damages in alleging The Pour House on Lincoln, Inc. d/b/a Dillinger’s Chicago Bar & Grill, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois infringed trademark registration nos. 3,483,359 for the mark DILLINGER’S and no. 4,091,160 for…


138 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in April, 2012

The US Trademark Office issued the following 138 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in April, 2012, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys: Registration No. MARK 1 4133431 INDIANA HAND TO SHOULDER CENTER VIEW 2 4132040 CHAIRS VIEW 3 4131967 EV-N-SPRED VIEW 4 4131894 KEYMARK VIEW…


Continued Use of Trademark By Successor Company Relevant to “Piercing the Corporate Veil” and Successor Liability for Breach of Contract

Indianapolis, IN – The Indiana Court of Appeals has held that a successor company’s continued use of a trademark created a genuine issue of fact as to whether the successor should be liable for a breach of contract by its predecessor. Attorneys for Zeise & Sons Excavating, Inc. of Crown…


140 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in March 2012

 The US Trademark Office issued the following 140  trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in March, 2012, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys: TM Number Title 1 4,119,874 WORLD CLASS BEER VIEW 2 4,118,716 ON THE BUBBLE VIEW 3 4,118,715 HIT THE DECK VIEW 4 4,119,863…


Trademark Registrations Issued to 146 Indiana Companies in January, 2012

The US Trademark Office issued the following 146 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in January, 2012, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys:   Reg. Number Mark Click to View 1 4,089,821 PETSIT USA VIEW 2 4,092,607 THE SENDING CENTER VIEW 3 4,091,138 SUBSCRIBERS FANS AND…


Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Issues Opinion for Rolex in Trademark Dispute Suit Over Dilution

Alexandria, VA – The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the US Trademark Office has reached a decision regarding the opposition of trademark registration filed by Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc. of New York, New York against AFP Imaging Corporation of Elmsford, New York on trademark serial no. 77/492,131 for the…


165 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in December, 2011

The US Trademark Office issued the following 165 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in December, 2011, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys:       Reg.   Number Mark Click to View 1 4,077,289 SF View 2 4,077,266 GATORADE SPORTS SCIENCE INSTITUTE View 3 4,077,214 IBMX View 4…


Trademark Registrations Issued to 169 Indiana Companies in November, 2011

  The US Trademark Office issued the following 169  trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in November, 2011, based on applications filed by Indiana Trademark Attorneys: Reg.Number  Mark Click to View 1 4,064,989 PRAYER CHAIR VIEW 2 4,064,974 WORLD’S LARGEST BMX STORE VIEW 3 4,064,973 THE BEST IN…

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