
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News


165 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in October 2014

The U.S. Trademark Office issued the following 165 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in October 2014 based on applications filed by Indiana trademark attorneys: Reg. No. Word Mark Click to View 4616762 CUE CANDY VIEW 4630232 BERRY ESSENTIALS VIEW 4628883 IP BAR VIEW 4630201 MEDAPPAREL VIEW 4628574…


Indiana Patent Litigation: Lippert Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against MOR/ryde

South Bend, Indiana – Indiana patent lawyers for Lippert Components Manufacturing, Inc. of Elkhart Indiana sued in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that MOR/ryde International Inc. and MOR/ryde Inc., both of which are also from Elkhart Indiana, infringed “Equalizer for Suspension System,” Patent Nos. 7,918,478 and 7,296,821, which have…


Patent Office Issues 165 Patents To Indiana Citizens in October 2014

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 165 patent registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in October 2014, based on applications filed by Indiana patent attorneys: Patent No. Title 8874256 Monitoring and control system for commodity loading  8872399 Stator winding assembly and method  8872369 Starter machine system and method …


Indiana Patent and Copyright Litigation: Lake Lite Sues Multiple Defendants for Patent and Copyright Infringement

Fort Wayne, Indiana – A patent and copyright attorney for Lake Lite Inc. of Laotto, Indiana filed a complaint in the Northern District of Indiana asserting, inter alia, that Universal Forest Products, Inc. of Grand Rapids, Michigan (“UFP”); Universal Consumer Products, Inc., also of Grand Rapids, Michigan (“UCP”); and Maine…


Indiana Patent Litigation: Draper Sues Vutec for Patent Infringement

Indianapolis, Indiana – Patent attorneys for Draper, Inc. of Spiceland, Indiana sued in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Vutec Corporation of Coral Springs, Florida infringed the patented “Roller Operated System with Mounting Assembly for Multi-Stage Installation,” Patent No. 6,532,109, and “Screen System,” Patent No. 6,816,308, which were issued…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: ABRO Sues for Infringement of Product Packaging

South Bend, Indiana – Indiana copyright attorneys for ABRO Industries, Inc. of South Bend, Indiana sued in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that 1 New Trade, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland (“New Trade”), Quest Specialty Coatings, LLC of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin (“Quest”), Igor Zorin and Boris Babenchick and Vadim Fishkin,…


USPTO and the State Intellectual Property Office of China Launch Direct Electronic Priority Document Exchange

Washington, D.C. – New free, secure service simplifies patent application procedures. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and the State Intellectual Property Office of China (“SIPO”) recently launched a new free service that will allow the two offices to electronically exchange patent application priority…


Indiana Patent Litigation: Lilly Sues Alleging Infringement of ALIMTA

Indianapolis, Indiana – An Indiana patent attorney for Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis, Indiana (“Lilly”) and The Trustees of Princeton University of Princeton, New Jersey (“Princeton”) filed a patent infringement complaint in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Nang Kuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Tainan City, Taiwan and…


Indiana Patent Litigation: PHD Sues DE-STA-CO for Patent Infringement

Fort Wayne, Indiana – Indiana patent attorneys for PHD, Inc. of Fort Wayne, Indiana filed an intellectual property complaint in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that DE-STA-CO of Auburn Hills, Michigan infringed its patent on the “Long Travel Gripper,” Patent No. 7,490,881, which has been registered by the U.S.…


Indiana Cyberpiracy Litigation: Burns Rent-Alls Sues Aays Rent-All and Michael Sharp

South Bend, Indiana – An Indiana intellectual property attorney for Burns Rent-Alls, Inc. of Mishawaka, Indiana filed a cyberpiracy lawsuit in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that Michael Sharpe and Aays Rent-All Co., Inc., also of Mishawaka, Indiana, had wrongfully registered and used domain names that would result in…

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