Overhauser Law Offices, the publisher of this site, assists with US and foreign patent searches, patent applications and assists with enforcing patents via infringement litigation and licensing. The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 171 patent registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in January 2018, based on applications filed…
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News
Indiana Copyright Litigation: Pearson Education Sues Indiana Company Over Infringement of Copyrighted Educational Materials
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Pearson Education, Inc. of New York, New York filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Christopher Deiter d/b/a www.easynotecards.com of Indianapolis, Indiana infringed its rights of Copyright in the United States Copyright Office of Pearson Education, Inc.’s Copyright Registration No.…
Indiana Copyright Litigation: Big Baby’s Bar & Grill Accused of Copyright Infringement
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Broadcast Music Inc., a Delaware Corporation; MJ Publishing Trust d/b/a Mijac Music; Sony/ATV Songs LLC d/b/a Sony/ATV Tree Publishing, a limited liability company; Songs of Universal, Inc., a Universal – Songs of Polygram International, Inc.; Welsh Witch Music; Velvet Apple Music; Combine Music Corp.;…
The Southern District of Indiana Grants NCAA’s Motion for Default Judgment and Motion for Permanent Injunction
Indianapolis, IN – The National Collegiate Athletic Association had filed a Trademark infringement lawsuit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Kizzang LLC, infringed trademarks registered by the NCAA. A recent Order signed by Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson grants the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Motion for Default Judgment and Motion…
Trademark Litigation: Florida Court Dismisses Suit Against Indiana Licensing Company Over Honus Wagner Trademark
Miami, Florida – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Honus Wagner Company, filed suit in the Southern District of Florida alleging that Defendants, Luminary Group LLC and Leslie Blair Roberts used the Plaintiff Honus Wagner’s name as an infringement to the Trademark “HONUS WAGNER.” The US District Court for the Southern District of…
Indiana Patent Litigation
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Vandor Corporation, of Richmond, Indiana filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Matthews International Corp., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania infringed its rights on United States Patent No. 9,649,240 (“the ‘240 Patent”) titled “Lightweight Casket Having Foldable Sides,” and United States Patent…
Indiana Copyright Litigation: Noblesville Resident Sues Voldico, LLC Over Website Plagiarism
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashlin Hadden of Noblesville, Indiana filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Voldico, LLC. of Osgood, Indiana infringed copyright rights of Ashlin Hadden. Plaintiff is seeking injunctive relief, actual damages, and judgment including statutory damages and attorneys’ fees. According to…
The Northern District of Indiana Grants in part and denies in part ABRO Industries, Inc. Motion for Summary Judgment
South Bend, IN – ABRO Industries, Inc., of South Bend, Indiana, had filed a Copyright infringement lawsuit in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that 1 New Trade, Inc., Igor Zorin, Boris Babenchik, Vadim Fishkin of Baltimore Maryland, and Quest Specialty Coatings, LLC of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, infringed copyright on…
Indiana Trademark Litigation
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Kimball International, Inc. of Jasper, Indiana filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Jasper Seating Company, Inc. d/b/a Community of Jasper, Indiana infringed its rights on the Indiana State Trademark Registration No. 2017-0052 for the mark “JEWEL.” Plaintiff is seeking…
Indiana Trademark Litigation
Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Impact Networking, LLC, of Hammond, and Indianapolis, Indiana filed suit in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that Defendants, Impact Solutions, LLC, of Fishers, Indiana infringed its rights on the United States Trademark registration numbers 2425077 and 2428340. Plaintiff is seeking judgment against Impact…