
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News


Patent Office Issues 190 Patents To Indiana Citizens in December 2017

Overhauser Law Offices, the publisher of this site, assists with US and foreign patent searches, patent applications and assists with enforcing patents via infringement litigation and licensing. The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 190 patent registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in December 2017, based on applications filed by…


Copyright Royalty Board Moves to All Electronic Filing

Indiana copyright owners will now be able to collect royalties more easily.  The Copyright Royalty Board Judges announced the termination of the transition period from paper filing to electronic filing using the eCRB electronic filing and case management system. Effective January 1, 2018, all parties having the requisite technological capability…


160 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in December 2017

Overhauser Law Offices the publisher of this site, assists with US and foreign trademark searches, trademark applications and assists with enforcing trademarks via infringement litigation and licensing. Registration No.  Word Mark Click To View 5366639 ALTERNATIVE & DIRECT INVESTMENT SECURITIES ASSOCIATION TSDR 5365157 GEARPET TSDR 5365049 CHROMATIC TSDR 5364979 COUPONCABIN SIDEKICK…


William T. Lawrence Announces Decision to Take Senior Status

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (December 22, 2017): More changes are coming to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, as District Judge William T. Lawrence has notified President Donald J. Trump of his intention to take senior status effective July 1, 2018. Judge Lawrence will continue to render…


Indiana Patent Litigation: Purdue Trustees Sue Japanese Corporation Over Blood Pressure Monitor Patent

Lafayette, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, The Trustees of Purdue University of Lafayette, Indiana filed suit in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that Defendants, Omron Corporation and Omron Healthcare Company, Limited of Japan infringed its rights in United States Patent No. 7,014,611 B1 (“the 611 Patent”) for “Oscillometric Noninvasive Blood…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: Bell Finds Another Defendant To Sue Over Skyline Photo’s Copyright

Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorney Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, River Pools & Spas Incorporated of Warsaw, Virginia, infringed its rights in the “Indianapolis Photo” registered on August 4, 2011 with the US Copyright Office, Registration No. VA0001785115. Bell seeks…


Arizona-based Manufacturer Sues Indiana Corporation for Alleged Infringement of “Bulletproof” and Bulletproof Diesel” common law and registered Trademarks

Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, Neal Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Bullet Proof Diesel of Mesa, Arizona filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Superior Auto and Diesel Repair, Inc., of Shelbyville, Indiana infringed its rights in the following trademarks: U.S. Registration No. 4,235,578, U.S. Registration No.…


Southern District of Indiana Dismisses College Football Players’ Suit Against FanDuel and DraftKings

Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Akeem Daniels, Cameron Stingily, and Nicholas Stoner, Inc., filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging Defendants, FanDuel, Inc., and DraftKings, Inc. used the likeness of the three Plaintiffs and alleged a Right of Publicity claim.The decision was made by the district court granting…


Indiana Trademark Litigation: Purdue University Granted Injunction Against “Boilermaker Beer”

Tippecanoe County, Indiana – Attorneys for Plaintiff, The Trustees of Purdue University, filed suit in the Superior Court No.1 of Tippecanoe County, Indiana alleging that Defendant, Paul Parshall d/b/a Sports Beer Brewing Company, of Florida infringed its rights for use of the “Boilermakers Beer” and “Purdue Boilermakers Brewing” trademarks which…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: Richard Bell Sues Again On Copyright Claim Over Indianapolis Skyline Photo

Indianapolis, Indiana – Attorney for Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana filed suit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Defendant, Keith Arnett infringed its rights in the “Indianapolis Photo” registered on August 4, 2011 with the US Copyright Office, Registration No. VA0001785115. Bell seeks injunctive relief along with statutory…

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