New Albany, Indiana – FireKing Security Products, LLC of New Albany, Indiana sued in the Southern District of Indiana alleging infringement of a patent related to smart safes. Defendant in this litigation is American Security Products Company of Fontana, California. Both Plaintiff and Defendant are in the business of manufacturing…
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News
Indiana Trademark Litigation: Founding Member of Museum Registers Trademark Under His Own Name, Sues Museum for Use
Evansville, Indiana – Richard Litov of Evansville, Indiana sued Freedom Heritage Museum, Inc., of Evansville, Indiana alleging trademark infringement. Litov asserts claims under both federal and Indiana law. Litov claims that he conceived the idea for the museum – a collection of exhibits and artifacts from the World War II…
Indiana Patent Litigation: Taiwan Plaintiffs Allege Infringement of Bike Rack
Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiffs King Sheng Co., Ltd., which does business as Seiki, and David Tsai, both of Taiwan, initiated a patent infringement lawsuit in the Southern District of Indiana. Defendant in this Indiana litigation is Hollywood Engineering, Inc. d/b/a Hollywood Racks of Los Angeles, California. It is accused of having…
Indiana Copyright Litigation: Allegations of Infringement of Movie Filed in Southern District
Indianapolis, Indiana – Cook Productions, LLC of Los Angeles, California filed a lawsuit accusing unnamed Doe Defendants of copyright infringement. The lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of Indiana, mirrors another lawsuit filed by Cook Productions in the Northern District of Indiana. The copyrighted work at issue is the motion…
Supreme Court to Decide Whether Roche Exported Enzymes are “Substantial” Component of Product Made in UK
The Supreme Court on December 6, 2016, heard oral argument on whether the export by Roche, which has an office in Indiana, of an enzyme triggers patent infringement. Roche’s customer Life Technologies imported Roche’s “AmpliGold Plus” enzyme into the United Kingdom, and used it to build genetic testing kits. Life…
Patent Office Issues 237 Patents To Indiana Citizens in November 2016
Overhauser Law Offices, the publisher of this site, assists with US and foreign patent searches, patent applications and assists with enforcing patents via infringement litigation and licensing. The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 237 patent registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in November 2016, based on applications filed…
Indiana Copyright Litigation: Unnamed Defendants Accused of Infringement of Eddie Murphy Movie
South Bend, Indiana – Plaintiff Cook Productions, LLC of Los Angeles, California sued 11 unnamed “Doe” Defendants in the Northern District of Indiana for infringing the copyrighted motion picture “Mr. Church.” The movie, which features Eddie Murphy and Britt Robertson, tells the story of a lifelong friendship that began when…
193 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in November 2016
The U.S. Trademark Office issued the following 193 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in November 2016 based on applications filed by Indiana trademark attorneys: Registration No. Word Mark Click To View 5097638 NEGOTIATOR TSDR 5095522 WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK TSDR 5095457 KENRA TSDR 5095293 PSNOB TSDR…
Supreme Court Will Review Federal Circuit Decision on International Patent Exhaustion
The Supreme Court on December 2, 2016, agreed to review an en banc Federal Circuit decision that no changes to the Federal Circuit’s law of patent exhaustion are required by the Supreme Court’s decisions in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 1351 (2012), and Quanta Computer, Inc.…
Indiana Patent Litigation: Alcon Alleges Infringement of Eye Drug by Generic Drugmaker
Indianapolis, Indiana – Alcon Research, Ltd. of Fort Worth, Texas and Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. of Fribourg, Switzerland filed an intellectual property lawsuit in the Southern District of Indiana. They assert infringement of two patents covering Pataday®, an ophthalmic pharmaceutical. Pataday is covered by U.S. Patent Nos. 6,995,186 (the “‘186 patent”)…