The U.S. Trademark Office issued the following 178 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in November 2023 based on applications filed by Indiana trademark attorneys: Reg. Number Wordmark 7215755 FLEXRAKE 7222402 IN 7216586 BLIND ZEBRA 7225878 PLANET 2050 7225038 PLANET 2050 PROSPERITY LEADERSHIP ADVOCACY NURTURE ENVIRONMENT TOGETHER 7219024…
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News
G & G Closed Circuit Events, LLC Sues Indiana Restaurant/Bar, La Jalisco, LLP In Cable Piracy Suit
Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiff G & G Closed Circuit Events, LLC, a California-based heavyweight in sports distribution, claims they owned exclusive distribution rights to the . They have brought suit against Defendant La Jalisco LLP, the owner and operator of a commercial restaurant and bar in Indianapolis, accusing them of…
Copyright Clash: Ivan Radic’s Legal Stand Against AllCity Adjusting, LLC and Zor Development, LLC
In a recent legal action, photographer Ivan Radic has filed suit against AllCity Adjusting LLC and Zor Development LLC for allegedly infringing upon his intellectual property rights. According to Radic, he is a seasoned professional photographer known for his diverse portfolio and creative styles. He has accused the defendants of…
Tap Wars: Delta Faucet Company’s Patent Dispute with Sanitary Ware
In the modern era of technological advancements and the burgeoning landscape of online commerce, the interconnection of patent law with the dynamics of e-commerce platforms presents intricate challenges. A recent legal dispute between Wenzhou Xin Xin Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. (“Sanitary Ware” or “Plaintiff”) and Delta Faucet Company (“DFC”) illuminates…
Charting New Waters: Steamboat Willie’s Mickey Mouse Sets Sail into the Public Domain
On January 1, 2024, a significant shift in intellectual property rights occurred with the iconic American pop culture figure, Mickey Mouse, entering the public domain. The copyright for Mickey’s debut appearance in the 1928 short film, “Steamboat Willie,” finally expired, allowing a specific portrayal of the beloved character to become…
Trademark Infringement Suit Over “Buttermilk”
In a recent legal case involving Illinois Plaintiff, SAK Group, Inc. and Indiana Defendant, Blue Hill Hospitality, Inc., the complexities of trademark infringement and its legal implications came to the forefront. According to the complaint, SAK Group, Inc., is a renowned restaurant group operating under the trademark “Buttermilk Café.” They…
Perma-Green Supreme, Inc. v. Dr. Permagreen, LLC
In a recent lawsuit filed by Perma-Green Supreme, Inc. against Dr. Permagreen, LLC, Michael Edward Klott, and FTW Investments LLC, Perma-Green, an Indiana entity in the commercial lawn-care equipment industry, alleges that the defendants engaged in the deliberate and unauthorized use of Perma-Green’s trademark, PERMAGREEN. The complaint asserts that the…
Copyright Infringement in the Digital Age: Watson Music Group v. Borshoff, Inc.
In the contemporary digital landscape, the protection of intellectual property, especially in the realm of creative works, has become a paramount concern. Copyright infringement, the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material, continues to pose significant challenges for creators and rights holders. A recent case involving Plaintiff Watson Music Group,…
Chef’s Legal Battle: Matsumoto Sues Pho Real LLC for Unauthorized Image Use
Plaintiff Shoichi Matsumoto has sued Defendant Pho Real LLC, alleging copyright infringement of Matsumoto’s original work, a photograph titled “Yakisoba-4”. Matsumoto, a private chef, TV host, and photographer, claims that Pho Real used his copyrighted work without permission on their website and on a food ordering platform, Grubhub Inc., to…
Protecting Creative Rights: Alexander Bayonne Stross v. Homestead Properties, Inc.
A recent lawsuit, Stross v. Tiny Timbers, involves a copyright infringement dispute between Alexander Bayonne Stross, a photographer and owner of copyrighted works, and Homestead Properties, Inc. dba Tiny Timbers, a hardwood products manufacturer. Stross alleges that Tiny Timbers unlawfully used his copyrighted photograph for advertising and promotional purposes on…