
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News


Indiana Trademark Law: Trademark Plaintiff Abused Legal Process; Trademark Defendant Awarded an Additional $175,000 in Attorneys’ Fees

Indianapolis, Indiana – In the trademark lawsuit between of Plaintiff Wine & Canvas Development, LLC (“WNC”) and Defendants Christopher Muylle, Theodore Weisser, YN Canvas CA, LLC and Weisser Management Group, LLC, the Southern District of Indiana found that Plaintiffs had engaged in abuse of process and awarded an additional $175,882.68…


DOJ Announces New Strategy to Combat Intellectual Property Crimes

Washington, D.C. – The Justice Department has announced a new approach to combat intellectual property crimes. Grants to state and local law enforcement agencies totaling more than $3.2 million were also announced. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch stated recently that the Justice Department will launch a new collaborative strategy to…


Indiana Patent and Trademark Litigation: Global Archery Sues Seattle-Based Company for Infringement

Fort Wayne, Indiana – An Indiana intellectual property attorney for Global Archery Products, Inc. of Ashley, Indiana commenced litigation in the Northern District of Indiana alleging trademark and patent infringement by Jordan Gwyther d/b/a and of Seattle, Washington. Two patents are at issue in this lawsuit: U.S. Patent…


Federal Circuit Law: Laches Preserved as a Defense to Patent Infringement

Washington, D.C. – The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decided the matter of SCA Hygiene v. First Quality Baby Products, a case about adult incontinence products. At issue in the case was the legal doctrine of “laches.” The laches doctrine penalizes a plaintiff who “sleeps on” his or…


Patent Office Issues 223 Patents To Indiana Citizens in September 2015

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 223 patent registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in September 2015, based on applications filed by Indiana patent attorneys: PAT. NO. Title D739,945 Blood glucose meter D739,920 Valve D739,723 Container 9,148,986 Multi-curved, unibody fiberglass touchscreen kiosk with interchangeable component cages 9,146,135 Meter…


179 Trademark Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies in September 2015

The U.S. Trademark Office issued the following 179 trademark registrations to persons and businesses in Indiana in September 2015 based on applications filed by Indiana trademark attorneys: Registration No.  Word Mark Click To View 4822217 EARTHBITES LIVE 4822216 OVERLAND RED LIVE 4822215 GREAT PLAINS FEAST LIVE 4821983 MISSION EURASIA TRAIN…


Indiana Trademark Litigation: Indigo Vapor Enterprises Sues Indigo Vapor Company

South Bend, Indiana – Indigo Vapor Enterprises LLC of South Bend, Indiana commenced intellectual property litigation against Indigo Vapor Company, LLC, Robert Lee Martin and Charles Nandier of Tucson, Arizona. Indigo Vapor Enterprises is in the business of selling “vaping” and e-cigarette materials across the United States and throughout the…


Indiana Patent Litigation: Additional Complaint Asserting Patent Infringement Filed Against Lippert

Elkhart, Indiana – Indiana patent attorneys for Lifetime Industries, Inc. and LTI Flexible Products, Inc. of Modesto, California have filed another complaint asserting patent infringement against Lippert Components Manufacturing, Inc. of Elkhart, Indiana. This lawsuit alleges that Defendant infringed Patent Nos. 6,966,590 for a “Two-Part Seal for a Slide-Out Room,”…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Removed to Federal Court

Evansville, Indiana – Responding to a complaint filed in Indiana state court by Indiana copyright attorneys, a defense lawyer filed a motion to remove the lawsuit to a federal court in the Southern District of Indiana – Evansville Division. Plaintiff Professional Transportation, Inc. of Evansville, Indiana (“PTI”) is the former…


Copyright Law: Important Win for Fair Use in ‘Dancing Baby’ Lawsuit

San Francisco, California – Federal court of appeals affirms that copyright owners must consider fair use in online copyright takedowns. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently affirmed that copyright holders must consider whether a use of material is fair before sending a takedown notice. The…

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