
Indiana Intellectual Property Law News


Indiana Patent Litigation: Eli Lilly Again in Federal Court Asserting Patent Infringement

Indianapolis, Indiana – An Indiana patent lawyer for Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis, Indiana; Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan; Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. of Parsippany, New Jersey; and Ube Industries, Ltd of Yamaguchi, Japan (collectively “Lilly”) sued in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Lupin Ltd. of…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: Magistrate Rejects Malibu Media’s Request for Fees and Sanctions

Indianapolis, Indiana – Magistrate Judge Mark J. Dinsmore recommended that Judge William T. Lawrence deny Malibu Media’s motion for fees and sanctions against two Defendants and copyright lawyer Jonathan Phillips. This Indiana federal lawsuit involves allegations of the use of BitTorrent to illegally download copyrighted adult films. Plaintiff Malibu Media,…


USPTO Offers New Tool to Receive Email Alerts When Patent Applications Publish

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) recently announced the release of the Patent Application Alert Service. This system provides customized email alerts to the public for free when patent applications of interest are published. Additionally, the system offers direct access to the published applications that meet…


USPTO Announces Patents for Humanity Winners

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Commerce Department’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) recently announced the latest winners of the Patents for Humanity program. The Patents for Humanity program was launched by the USPTO in February 2012 as part of an Obama administration initiative promoting game-changing innovations to solve…


Indiana Intellectual Property Litigation: G & G Files Another Illegal Interception Lawsuit

Indianapolis, Indiana – An intellectual property attorney for G & G Closed Circuit Events, LLC (“G & G”) of Campbell, California initiated a lawsuit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Elsa Valdez and Tikal #2, Inc., both of Indianapolis, Indiana, illegally intercepted and broadcast the Saul Alvarez v.…


Indiana Intellectual Property Litigation: G & G Sues for Illegal Interception of Championship Fight

Indianapolis, Indiana – An intellectual property attorney for G & G Closed Circuit Events, LLC (“G & G”) of Campbell, California filed an intellectual property lawsuit in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Zeferino Alvarez and Sabor Bohemio, LLC, both d/b/a El Bohemio Bar of Indianapolis, Indiana illegally intercepted…


Indiana Trade Secret Law: Think Tank’s Information Was Not a Trade Secret as a Matter of Law

Indianapolis, Indiana – The Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed the directed verdict of Special Judge William E. Alexa of Porter Superior Court. Writing for the Indiana appellate court, Judge John Baker concluded that the trial court had not erred in ruling that Defendants’ information was insufficiently private to constitute…


Patent Law: EFF Busts Podcasting Patent, Invalidating Key Claims at Patent Office

        San Francisco, California – The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) invalidated key claims in the so-called “podcasting patent” last week after a petition for review from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (“EFF”). This decision significantly curtails the ability of a patent troll to threaten podcasters big…


Indiana Copyright Litigation: Court Grants Plaintiff’s Motion to Dismiss Copyright Lawsuit

Indianapolis, Indiana – Indiana copyright attorneys for Redwall Live Corporation (“Redwall”) of Indianapolis, Indiana asked the Southern District of Indiana to dismiss Redwall’s own copyright litigation. Redwall’s complaint alleged that ESG Security, Inc. (“ESG”), also of Indianapolis, Indiana, infringed the logo that Redwall had designed for ESG. That logo has…


Indiana Trade Secret Litigation: College Retailers Sue for Full Access to Purdue-Amazon Agreement

Tippecanoe County, Indiana -An Indiana trade secret attorney for the National Association of College Stores Inc. (“NACS”), an Ohio-based organization, sued Purdue University of West Lafayette, Indiana in Tippecanoe Superior Court seeking full disclosure of an agreement between Purdue and Inc. Earlier this year, Amazon opened its first brick-and-mortar…

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