Articles Posted in Patent Infringement


Washington, D.C. – The United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion in Alice Corporation Pty. LTD v. CLS Bank International et al., Case No. 13-298. At issue was software that allows a neutral third party to ensure that all parties to a financial transaction have fully performed their obligations. The Court held that Alice Corporation’s patents should not have been issued because they (1) consisted of software created to implement an abstract idea but (2) lacked an “inventive concept” sufficient to transform the abstract idea into a patent-eligible application.

Alice Corporation owned several patents that covered a manner for mitigating “settlement risk,” i.e., the risk that one or more parties to an agreed-upon financial exchange will not satisfy their obligations. Alice Corporation’s patent claims consisted of computer software that facilitated the exchange of financial obligations between the parties. The patents-in-suit claimed (1) a method for exchanging financial obligations, (2) a computer system configured to carry out the method for exchanging obligations, and (3) a computer-readable medium containing program code for performing the method of exchanging obligations.

Respondents (collectively, “CLS Bank“), which operate a global network that facilitates currency transactions, sued Alice Corporation, arguing that the patent claims at issue were invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed. Alice Corporation counterclaimed, alleging infringement.

All of the claims were held to be ineligible for patent protection by the district court because they purported to protect to an abstract idea. The Federal Circuit, sitting en banc, affirmed, although, of the ten judges, only five agreed on the reasoning behind the holding.

The Supreme Court held for CLS Bank, affirming the Federal Circuit, and held that the patent claims were drawn to a patent-ineligible abstract idea under 35 U.S.C. § 101 and, thus, could not be patented.

In this opinion, the Court defined the Section 101 framework as having two parts. First, the court must determine if the patent claim at issue is directed toward an abstract idea. Second, it must examine the elements of the claim to determine whether it contains an “inventive concept” sufficient to transform the abstract idea into a patent-eligible application.

The Court concluded that, in the case of the software patents-in-suit, “the method claims, which merely require generic computer implementation, fail to transform [an] abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention.”

Practice Tip: Patent lawyers hoped that this much-anticipated case would clarify the extent to which software is patentable. The Supreme Court had a difficult task in drawing these lines. A ruling that allowed ideas that were overly broad and/or vague to be patented would have encouraged lawsuits by “patent trolls” and inhibited innovation by inventors who might fear that implementing their ideas would subject them to liability for patent infringement. On the other hand, a ruling that restricted the patentability of software too much could nullify thousands of existing patents and could also discourage innovation because an inventor’s resulting creation would be more difficult to patent.

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South Bend, Indiana – Indiana patent lawyers for Lippert Components Manufacturing, Inc. of Elkhart Indiana sued in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that MOR/ryde International Inc. and MOR/ryde Inc., both of which are also from Elkhart Indiana, infringed “Equalizer for Suspension System,” Patent Nos. 7,918,478 and 7,296,821, which have been issued by the U.S. Patent Office.

At issue in this litigation are U.S. Patent Nos. 7,918,478 (“the ‘478 Patent”) and 7,296,821 (“the ‘821 Patent”). These inventions pertain to “equalizers” that dampen vibrations for recreational vehicle trailers. Plaintiff Lippert contends that Defendants MOR/ryde International Inc. and MOR/ryde Inc. (collectively, “MOR/ryde”) have infringed, and continue to infringe, these patents. The accused products include MOR/ryde’s CRE/3000 and SRE/4000 equalizer products.

Lippert states that MOR/ryde knew of Lippert’s intellectual property rights in the ‘478 Patent and that, despite this knowledge, MOR/ryde infringed at least claim 1 of that patent. Lippert also asserts that MOR/ryde induced infringement by others as well as contributed to others’ infringement of at least claim 15 of the ‘478 Patent.

Lippert makes similar allegations regarding its ‘821 Patent, stating that MOR/ryde knew of Lippert’s patents rights in that patent and that MOR/ryde nonetheless infringed at least claim 1. Finally, Lippert contends that MOR/ryde induced infringement by others and contributed to others’ infringement of at least claim 14 of the ‘821 Patent.

In this Indiana patent infringement lawsuit, the following claims are asserted:

• Count I: ‘478 Patent Infringement

• Count II: ‘821 Patent Infringement

Lippert asserts that Defendants’ acts have been willful and contend that those actions render this an “exceptional case” as that term is defined in 35 U.S.C. §285.

Lippert asks, via its Indiana patent counsel, that the court:

• Preliminarily and permanently enjoin both MOR/ryde entities and their agents from infringing, or from contributing to or inducing others to infringe, Lippert’s ‘478 Patent and ‘821 Patent;

• Award Lippert monetary damages adequate to compensate Lippert for past infringement consistent with 35 U.S.C. § 284, up to and including treble the amount of actual damages assessed, together with costs and prejudgment interest;

• Award Lippert its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §285; and

• Order MOR/ryde to provide notice to their customers of the infringing systems and of MOR/ryde’s unlawful acts.

Practice Tip #1:  A court may award increased damages for willful infringement. These extra damages are known as punitive damages. An award of punitive damages, up to and including a trebling of damages, is appropriate when an infringer has acted in wanton disregard of the patentee’s intellectual property rights. In determining whether the infringing behavior supports increased damages, the court will consider the “totality of the circumstances.”

Potential exposure for increased damages may be reduced by seeking – and acting on – timely advice from a competent patent lawyer. In contrast, the failure to seek and heed such advice may increase the probability that the court will find that the defendants have acted willfully.

Practice Tip #2: Lippert is not new to patent litigation. In fact, it has sued various competitors for patent infringement in 2003, 2008, 2012 and again in 2013. Lippert dropped the first three lawsuits. While the 2003 litigation lasted about a year and a half, the infringement actions filed in 2008 and 2012 were dropped only two months after the complaints were filed. The 2013 patent infringement lawsuit is ongoing.

Practice Tip #3: Under U.S. patent law, a trial court may award attorneys’ fees in cases of patent infringement litigation that it deems “exceptional.” Two recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings revisited how “exceptional” is defined. In part as a result of these rulings, plaintiffs filing questionable patent infringement lawsuits must exercise greater caution, as trial judges will now have greater latitude to award attorneys’ fees – including awarding fees to prevailing defendants – in those cases in which they determine that the conduct of the losing party “stands out from others.”

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SolarDockLightPicture.pngFort Wayne, Indiana – A patent and copyright attorney for Lake Lite Inc. of Laotto, Indiana filed a complaint in the Northern District of Indiana asserting, inter alia, that Universal Forest Products, Inc. of Grand Rapids, Michigan (“UFP”); Universal Consumer Products, Inc., also of Grand Rapids, Michigan (“UCP”); and Maine Ornamental, LLC of Greene, Maine infringed “Solar Dock Light” and “Low Profile Solar LED Lamp,” Patent Nos. D697,246 and 8,845,126, which have been issued by the U.S. Patent Office.

Lake Lite is in the business of designing and selling dock lights and other related products and accessories in the boating/dock industry. Its product line includes solar-related dock lights.

In April 2012, Lake Lite first began to offer a “Solar Dot” line of products. Lake Lite indicates that UFP inquired about collaborating with Lake Lite to offer the Solar Dot products to UFP’s customers and that, in November 2012, a mutual non-disclosure agreement was entered so that confidential information regarding Lake Lite’s Solar Dot products could be disclosed and the potential collaboration evaluated. The disclosed information included Lake Lite’s copyright applications to now-copyrighted materials, registered as U.S. Copyright Nos. VAu001118627 and VAu001156962.

Lake Lite asserts that, during these negotiations, it made numerous modifications requested by UFP for which it was not compensated. Lake Lite and UFP failed to reach an agreement about licensing terms and discontinued negotiations. Instead, Lake Lite asserts, UFP has now wrongfully begun offering its own “Solar Deck and Dock Lights.”

In this Indiana copyright and patent litigation, Plaintiff Lake Lite’s specific complaints include that Defendants have been unjustly enriched as a result of their manufacture, importing, marketing and sale of their solar deck and dock light products. Lake Lite contends that Defendants’ acts include infringement of Lake Lite’s copyrights and patents, unauthorized use and misappropriation of Lake Lite’s confidential information and trade secrets and violation of the mutual non-disclosure agreement between Lake Lite and UCP.

The complaint, filed by a copyright and patent lawyer for Lake Lite, alleges the following:

• Count One – Copyright Infringement

• Count Two – Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D697,246

• Count Three – Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 8,845,126

• Count Four – Breach of Contract

• Count Five – Breach of Implied Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing

• Count Six – Violation of Indiana Uniform Trade Secret Act

• Count Seven – Unjust Enrichment

Lake Lite asks for a judgment of infringement of its copyrights-in-suit, of infringement of its patents-in-suit, that the non-disclosure agreement was violated by Defendants, that Defendants violated the implied duty of good faith and fair dealing in their dealings with Lake Lite regarding the Solar Dot products, that Defendants have misappropriated Lake Lite’s trade secrets and that Defendants have been unjustly enriched.

Lake Lite seeks injunctive relief; damages, including punitive damages; costs and fees, including attorneys’ fees.

Practice Tip:

Indiana Code Section 24-2-3-2 defines a trade secret as:

information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process, that:

1. derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and

2. is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.

The four general characteristics of a trade secret are:

1. it is information;

2. that derives independent economic value;

3. that is not generally known, or readily ascertainable by proper means by others who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and

4. that is the subject of efforts, reasonable under the circumstances, to maintain its secrecy.

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Indianapolis, Indiana – Patent attorneys for Draper, Inc. of Spiceland, Indiana sued in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Vutec Corporation of Coral Springs, Florida infringed the patented “Roller Operated System with Mounting Assembly for Multi-Stage Installation,” Patent No. 6,532,109, and “Screen System,” Patent No. 6,816,308, which were issued by the U.S. Patent Office.

Draper provides consumers with products such as projection screens, window shades, projector lifts and mounts and other home theater accessories. Vutec designs and manufactures projection screens and audio-visual accessories.

In its complaint, filed by patent attorneys for Draper, the following claims are asserted:

• Count I: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC I-C – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,532,109

• Count II: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC III-C – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,532,109

• Count III: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC II-e Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,532,109

• Count IV: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC IV-e – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,532,109

• Count V: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC I-C – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,816,308

• Count VI: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC III-C – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,816,308

• Count VII: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC II-e Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,816,308

• Count VIII: Vutec Motorized Projection Screen Model – LECTRIC IV-e – Patent Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,816,308

Draper asserts that Vutec’s infringement has been willful, deliberate, and with knowledge of Draper’s intellectual property rights and asks that the court:

A. adjudge and decree that U.S. Patent Nos. 6,532,109 and 6,816,308 are valid and enforceable against Vutec and that Vutec has infringed and continues to infringe the patents;

B. grant injunctions enjoining acts of infringement by Vutec, its agents, and those acting in concert with it;

C. enter an award to Draper of such damages as it shall prove at trial against Vutec that are adequate to compensate Draper for said infringement as permitted under the Patent Act;

D. order an award to Draper of up to three times the amount of compensatory damages because of Vutec’s willful infringement and any enhanced damages as provided by 35 U.S.C. § 284;

E. render a finding that this case is “exceptional” and award Draper its costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, as provided by 35 U.S.C. § 285;

F. award Draper any profits that Draper lost due to Vutec’s infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,532,109 and 6,816,308; and

G. award Draper pre-judgment and post-judgment interests on damages.

Practice Tip: Deciding simply to ignore a complaint can be a costly error. Failing to present the defendant’s account of the facts and arguments about the proper application of the law can result in the trial court considering only the plaintiff’s side of the story. In other words, if the defendants choose to leave a complaint unanswered, the court may deem the well-pled allegations of the plaintiff to have been admitted by the defendants due to their failure to deny them.

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Indianapolis, Indiana – An Indiana patent attorney for Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis, Indiana (“Lilly”) and The Trustees of Princeton University of Princeton, New Jersey (“Princeton”) filed a patent infringement complaint in the Southern District of Indiana alleging that Nang Kuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Tainan City, Taiwan and CANDA NK-2, LLC of Waco, Texas infringed and/or will infringe ALIMTA®, U.S. Patent Nos. 5,344,932 (“the ‘932 patent”) and 7,772,209 (“the ‘209 patent”; collectively, “the patents-in-suit”), which have been issued by the U.S. Patent Office.

ALIMTA, which is licensed to Lilly, is a chemotherapy agent used for the treatment of various types of cancer. ALIMTA is composed of the pharmaceutical chemical pemetrexed disodium. It is indicated, in combination with cisplatin, (a) for the treatment of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma, or (b) for the initial treatment of locally advanced or metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer. ALIMTA also is indicated as a single agent for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer after prior chemotherapy. Additionally, ALIMTA is indicated for maintenance treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer whose disease has not progressed after four cycles of platinum-based first-line chemotherapy. One or more claims of the ‘209 patent cover a method of administering pemetrexed disodium to a patient in need thereof that also involves administration of folic acid and vitamin B12. The ‘932 patent, titled “N-(pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-3-ylacyl)-Glutamic Acid Derivatives,” along with the ‘209 patent, have been listed in connection with ALIMTA in the FDA’s publication Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations.

This Indiana patent infringement lawsuit arises out of the filing by Defendant Nang Kuang of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (“ANDA”) with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) seeking approval to manufacture and sell generic versions of ALIMTA prior to the expiration of the ‘932 and ‘209 patents. Nang Kuang filed as a part of that ANDA a certification of the type described in Section 505(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 55(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV), with respect to the patents-in-suit, asserting that the claims of the patents-in-suit are invalid, unenforceable, and/or not infringed by the manufacture, use, offer for sale, or sale of Defendants’ ANDA products.

In their complaint, filed by an Indiana patent lawyer, Lilly and Princeton state that Defendants intend to engage in the manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale, marketing, distribution, and/or importation of Defendants’ ANDA products and the proposed labeling therefor immediately and imminently upon approval of the ANDA i.e., prior to the expiration of the patents-in-suit. Plaintiffs asserts that Defendants’ actions constitute and/or will constitute infringement of the patents-in-suit, active inducement of infringement of the patents-in-suit, and contribution to the infringement by others of the patents-in-suit.

The complaint, filed by an Indiana patent lawyer, lists the following claims:

  • Count I: Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 5,344,932
  • Count II: Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,772,209

Lilly and Princeton ask the court for:

(a) A judgment that Defendants have infringed the ‘932 patent and/or will infringe and/or actively induce infringement of the ‘932 patent;

(b) A judgment ordering that the effective date of any FDA approval for Defendants to make, use, offer for sale, sell, market, distribute, or import Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘932 patent, be not earlier than the expiration date of the ‘932 patent, inclusive of any extension(s) and additional period(s) of exclusivity;

(c) A preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Defendants, and all persons acting in concert with Defendants, from making, using, selling, offering for sale, marketing, distributing, or importing Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘932 patent, or the inducement of any of the foregoing, prior to the expiration date of the ‘932 patent, inclusive of any extension(s) and additional period(s) of exclusivity;

(d) A judgment declaring that making, using, selling, offering for sale, marketing, distributing, or importing of Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘932 patent, prior to the expiration date of the ‘932 patent, infringes, will infringe and/or will actively induce infringement of the ‘932 patent;

(e) A judgment that Defendants have infringed the ‘209 patent and/or will infringe, actively induce infringement of, and/or contribute to infringement by others of the ‘209 patent;

(f) A judgment ordering that the effective date of any FDA approval for Defendants to make, use, offer for sale, sell, market, distribute, or import Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘209 patent, be not earlier than the expiration date of the ‘209 patent, inclusive of any extension(s) and additional period(s) of exclusivity;

(g) A preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Defendants, and all persons acting in concert with Defendants, from making, using, selling, offering for sale, marketing, distributing, or importing Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘209 patent, or the inducement of or contribution to any of the foregoing, prior to the expiration date of the ‘209 patent, inclusive of any extension(s) and additional period(s) of exclusivity;

(h) A judgment declaring that making, using, selling, offering for sale, marketing, distributing, or importing of Defendants’ ANDA Products, or any product the use of which infringes the ‘209 patent, prior to the expiration date of the ‘209 patent, infringes, will infringe, will actively induce infringement of, and/or will contribute to the infringement by others of the ‘209 patent;

(i) A declaration that this is an exceptional case and an award of attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285; and

(j) An award of Plaintiffs’ costs and expenses in the action.

Practice Tip #1: This summer, Lilly succeeded in defending the ‘209 method-of-use patent in before District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt in the Southern District of Indiana. The court found, inter alia, that the patent did not fail for “obviousness.”

Practice Tip #2: Obviousness is a legal conclusion based on underlying factual findings. Such findings include: 1) the scope and content of the prior art; 2) the differences between the claims and the prior art; 3) the level of ordinary skill in the art; and 4) objective considerations of non-obviousness such as commercial success and satisfaction of a long-felt need. Moreover, it is insufficient that prior art merely includes separate references to the subject matter of a subsequent patent claim. Instead, obviousness requires the additional showing that a person of ordinary skill in the art of the subject matter would have combined those elements of the prior art.

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Fort Wayne, Indiana – Indiana patent attorneys for PHD, Inc. of Fort Wayne, Indiana filed an intellectual property complaint in the Northern District of Indiana alleging that DE-STA-CO of Auburn Hills, Michigan infringed its patent on the “Long Travel Gripper,” Patent No. 7,490,881, which has been registered by the U.S. Patent Office.

Plaintiff asserts rights acquired via assignment to a patented product called “Long Travel Gripper,” U.S. Patent No. 7,490,881 (the “‘881 Patent”). On April 29, 2014, Defendant was notified that its product “RPR Gladiator Series Gripper” appeared to infringe the ‘881 Patent.

In this Indiana patent litigation, Defendant is accused of infringing the ‘881 Patent as well as inducing infringement by others. Plaintiff contends that the infringing activities have been willful and that this case is exceptional, entitling it to an award of attorneys’ fees.

Plaintiff asks the court for a judgment of infringement; damages, including treble damages; a declaration that the case is exceptional and an award of attorneys’ fees pursuant to such a finding; and injunctive relief.

Practice Tip: The U.S. Supreme Court expanded upon existing jurisprudence regarding “exceptional” patent lawsuits this year. In two related cases, it held that a trial court may as a matter of its discretion award attorneys’ fees in cases of patent infringement litigation that it deems “exceptional.” These Supreme Court rulings revisiting how “exceptional” is defined may benefit any company that is the target of a questionable patent infringement lawsuit, as trial judges will now have greater latitude to award attorneys’ fees – including awarding attorneys’ fees to prevailing defendants – in those cases in which they determine that the conduct of the losing party “stands out from others.”

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How does a patent infringement lawsuit begin?

A patent lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint alleging patent infringement by the patent 


holder. If a lawsuit is filed against you, the patent owner must serve two documents on you: (1) a document called a “complaint,” which explains the accusations made against you; and (2) a document called a “summons.” The patent owner may first send a “demand” letter that states that you are potentially infringing the claims of a patent and requests that you pay for a license to use the patented invention, or it may go straight to court.


What is a demand letter? Am I legally 


obligated to respond?

A demand letter is correspondence that states that you are potentially infringing the claims of a patent and requesting that you pay for a license to use the patented invention. You are not legally required to respond to a demand letter, but in some situations that may be the right course of action. Before deciding, consider your options, described below.

Indianapolis, Indiana – Indiana patent attorneys for Functional Devices, Incorporated of


Russiaville, Indiana filed a declaratory judgment action asserting patent invalidity and non-infringement in the Southern District of Indiana. This intellectual property complaint alleges that Low Voltage Systems, Inc. d/b/a LVS, Inc. of San Leandro, California and Albert L. Hermans of Oakland, California wrongfully accused Functional Devices of infringing Utility Patent No. 7,045,964, “Emergency Lighting System with Automatic Diagnostic Test” (“the ‘964 Patent”), which was issued by the U.S. Patent Office.

Declaratory judgment Plaintiff Functional Devices been designing, manufacturing, and selling electronic devices in the United States since 1969. It sells relays, current sensors, power control, enclosures, power supplies, transformers, and accessories.

Declaratory judgment Defendant Low Voltage offers a line of electrical, low voltage, fire alarm, access control, security, video, and voice and data fiber optics products. It specializes in emergency lighting products, central-lighting inverters and power-control relays. Declaratory judgment Defendant Hermans is the owner of the ‘964 Patent. He is believed to have assigned or exclusively licensed the ‘964 Patent to Low Voltage.

Functional Devices asserts that it has been wrongly accused by LVS of infringing the ‘964 Patent. It indicates that, on August 28, 2014, patent counsel for LVS sent Functional Devices a demand letter contending that the manufacture, use, sale, and offer for sale of certain products infringes the ‘964 Patent. This letter, it claims, creates an actual, substantial, and continuing justiciable controversy between Functional Devices and LVS.

In its complaint, filed by Indiana patent lawyers, Functional Devices lists the following claims:

• Count I: Declaratory Judgment – Non-infringement of the ‘964 Patent
• Count II: Declaratory Judgment – Invalidity and Unenforceability of the ‘964 Patent

Functional Devices seeks a declaration from the court that 1) the ‘964 Patent is invalid and unenforceable and 2) no Functional Devices product infringes the ‘964 Patent. It also asks the court to order Low Voltage and Hermans to pay all costs and attorneys’ fees associated with the litigation.

Practice Tip #1: When the declaratory judgment plaintiff files in its home jurisdiction, establishing personal jurisdiction over declaratory judgment defendants is sometimes tricky and can lead to competing lawsuits in different jurisdictions. The first-to-file rule is a doctrine of federal comity that generally favors pursuing only the first-filed action when multiple lawsuits involving the same claims are filed in different jurisdictions. It was designed to avoid conflicting decisions and promote judicial efficiency. Finding an exception to the first-to-file rule requires a sound reason that would make it unjust or inefficient to continue the first-filed action.

Practice Tip #2: A court may also consider the extent to which a declaratory judgment action is anticipatory and motivated by forum shopping. However, the Federal Circuit has repeatedly held that a finding that a filing was anticipatory does not in itself constitute sufficient legal reason to transfer or dismiss the first-filed case.

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Fort Wayne, IndianaJudge Theresa L. Springmann of the Northern District of Indiana held


that a patent infringement defendant’s claim of inequitable conduct by the patentee had been insufficiently pled. The defendant’s counterclaim was dismissed and its affirmative defense struck.

In 2013, an Indiana patent attorney for Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc. of Kalida, Ohio sued Par-Kan Company of Silver Lake, Indiana alleging infringement of Patent No. 8,221,047, Seed Carrier With Pivoting Conveyor, which had been registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”).

Unverferth alleged that Par-Kan had engaged in both the “unauthorized, infringing manufacture, use, importation, sale and/or offer for sale” of the product and inducing others to infringe patented seed tender products, including its “Seed Weigh” product. Unverferth further alleged that the infringing behavior continued after Par-Kan was notified of the infringement and, as such, some or all of the infringement was willful.

In its complaint, filed by an Indiana patent lawyer, Unverferth asked for preliminary and permanent injunctions, for lost profits in an amount no less than a reasonable royalty, and that such damages be trebled. It also asked the court for a judgment that the case was “exceptional,” and that, consequently, it was entitled to all costs and expenses of the action, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

Par-Kan interposed a claim of inequitable conduct against Unverferth, stating that two declarations of Unverferth’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, which had been submitted to the USPTO, failed to mention all relevant facts. Par-Kan also asserted that certain statements in the declarations, such as “I am unaware of any other factors contributing to the success of the product,” were false.

Unverferth asked the court to dismiss Par-Kan’s counterclaim of inequitable conduct for failure to state a claim. Additionally, Unverferth asked the court to strike Par-Kan’s amended affirmative defense of inequitable conduct.

The court agreed that Par-Kan’s claim of inequitable conduct was not properly before the court. Inequitable conduct “renders an entire patent (or even a patent family) unenforceable,” stated the court. Thus, as a general rule, the application of a defense or counterclaim of inequitable conduct will be limited to instances where the patentee’s misconduct resulted in the unfair benefit of receiving an unwarranted claim.

Consequently, the accused infringer must meet the heavy burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the patent applicant (1) made an affirmative misrepresentation of material fact, failed to disclose material information, or submitted false material information, and (2) intended to deceive the USPTO.

The “materiality” element of the test requires a showing of “but-for” materiality – would the USPTO have allowed the claim if it had been aware of the undisclosed information? To allow the court to evaluate materiality, the alleged infringer’s pleading must include the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of the material misrepresentation or omission that it claims was made to the USPTO.

More specifically, the pleadings must identify the “who” – the specific individual associated with the filing or prosecution of the patent, who both knew of the material information and deliberately withheld or misrepresented it. They must also identify the “what” – which claims, and which limitations in those claims, the withheld references are relevant to – and the “where” – where in those references the material information is found. These assertions allow the alleged infringer to explain, and the court to infer, both “why” the withheld information is material and “how” an examiner would have used this information in assessing the patentability of the claims.

The court held that Par-Kan’s pleadings properly included the “who” and “when” components, but that they failed to meet requirements regarding the “what, where, how, and why” regarding the materiality of the alleged omissions and misstatements. Instead, the court noted that the USPTO had explicitly stated that the declarations in question were insufficient to overcome the rejections. Thus, the court held, but-for materiality had not been sufficiently pled.

The court then turned to the requirement that specific intent to deceive be shown. Deceptive intent may not be assumed from the materiality of a deception and a mere allegation of an omission is insufficient. Instead, to satisfy the inequitable conduct standard, “deceptive intent must be the most reasonable inference drawn from the evidence.” The court held that Par-Kan had failed to show that Unverferth had demonstrated deceptive intent, as other interpretations of the declarant’s intent were reasonable, including that the declarant had believed his sworn statements to be true.

The court dismissed Par-Kan’s counterclaim asserting, and struck its affirmative defense of, inequitable conduct. It stated, however, that were Par-Kan to file a motion to amend its pleadings, the court would consider whether such an amendment would be permitted.

Practice Tip: An exception to the requirement for “but-for” materiality exists where there is egregious affirmative misconduct.  However, this exception contemplates extraordinary circumstances like “deliberately planned and executed schemes.”  Alleged misconduct such as the failure to mention prior art references in an affidavit is insufficient to constitute such “egregious affirmative misconduct.”

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