Articles Posted in USPTO News


Washington, D.C. – The United States Patent and Trademark Office has launched a new web tool that shows that trademark application processing times are down to record lows. The average pendency to a first action on a new application is down to 2.7 months, while total pendency — defined as the average time from filing to registration, abandonment or notice of allowance — is at approximately 10.2 months. The USPTO’s Thumbnail image for USPTO.jpgData Visualization Center provides the most recent statistics. Online applications utilizing Trademark Electronic Application System plus (“TEAS plus”) are processed fastest on average. Over 70% of trademark applications are now filed electronically, the website reveals.

The USPTO offers a similar dashboard for patent processing times. The average total time a patent application takes to process is 33.5 months, according to the site. These tools are part of USPTO’s efforts to provide better visibility into trademark and patent application processes. The dashboards will be updated quarterly.


Alexandria, VA – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently announced its First Full Action Interview Pilot Program, which, unlike a previous test program, applies to all areas of technology.

Under this program, if an eligible utility patent applicant electronically files a request prior to the first Office action on the merits, he or she must be granted an interview with the patent examiner assigned to the case. Traditionally, the grant of such a preliminary interview was with the discretion of the examiner.

To be eligible, the subject patent application must not have more than three independent claims and twenty or fewer total claims that are directed to a single invention.

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