Indianapolis, IN – Rulings by district courts in Indiana and Arkansas have ensured that the Southern District Court of Indiana will decide a longstanding trademark dispute over a mark used in agricultural machinery. Last week, the Southern District Court declined to transfer Brandt Industries Limited (BIL) v. Pitonyak Machinery Corporation (PMC) to the Eastern District of Arkansas, and the Eastern District Court of Arkansas has transferred its version of the case to Indiana’s Southern District Court.
On July 6, 2010, attorneys for BIL filed a trademark infringement suit in the Southern District of Indiana seeking a declaratory judgment regarding rights to the trademark.
The next day, July 7, trademark attorneys for PMC filed suit in the Eastern District of Arkansas, making a nearly identical trademark infringement claims. Indiana Intellectual Property Lawyer Blog previously wrote about the case here: PMC then sought transfer of the Indiana case to Arkansas federal court, arguing that all the witnesses were in Arkansas and therefore Arkansas would be a more convenient location for the trial. PMC, based in Carlisle, Arkansas, also argued that Indiana did not have a significant connection to the litigation. BIL is a Canadian company. BIL, however, listed numerous Indiana locations where products with the disputed trademark are sold. The rulings by the two district courts last week settle this dispute over which court will hear the case.
Practice Tip: This case illustrates the importance of being the first party to file a lawsuit when there is a trademark dispute about a product sold in multiple jurisdictions. Certainly, PMC’s argument that it will be inconvenient for it to litigate in Indiana since it is located in Arkansas is well taken. However, inconvenience to PMC was not a sufficient reason for the district courts to transfer the case to Arkansas. Had attorneys for PMC filed the trademark dispute in their preferred court before BIL filed the Indiana case, PMC may have been able to avoid litigating in an inconvenient location.