Search Results for: attorney richard bell

Indianapolis, Indiana – Copyright attorney and professional photographer Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana filed four new lawsuits in the Southern District of Indiana alleging copyright infringement. Defendants in these four new cases are: Indiana University of Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana; Purdue University of West Lafayette, Indiana; David Powell and Midwest Regional Network for Intervention with […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Copyright attorney and Plaintiff Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana filed a new group of lawsuits in the Southern District of Indiana asserting infringement of a copyrighted photo. The photo in question in these latest lawsuits, Bell’s “Indianapolis Nighttime Photo,” was registered on August 4, 2011 with the U.S. Copyright Office under Registration […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Serial litigant Richard N. Bell of McCordsville, Indiana filed a new lawsuit alleging copyright infringement in the Southern District of Indiana. This litigation names analytics firm Aurora Worldwide Development Corporation of Madison, Wisconsin as Defendant. Aurora is accused of infringing Bell’s copyright in a photo titled “Indianapolis Photo,” which has been registered […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiff Richard N. Bell of McCordsville, Indiana initiated the latest of a string of Indiana lawsuits alleging copyright infringement of his “Indianapolis Photo,” which has been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office under Registration No. VA0001785115. This litigation, which was filed in the Southern District of Indiana, alleges that Defendant Aramark Corporation […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiff Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana sued Defendant Alliance Hospitality Management, LLC of Raleigh, North Carolina in the Southern District of Indiana alleging copyright infringement. Bell, an Indiana copyright attorney and professional photographer, asserts that Defendant infringed his intellectual property rights in a photo of the Indianapolis skyline entitled “Indianapolis Photo,” which […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiff Richard Bell, a copyright lawyer and professional photographer, filed three more lawsuits in the Southern District of Indiana. Defendant in the first lawsuit is Progressive Urban Management Associates of Denver, Colorado. The second lawsuit lists National Healthy Start Association of Washington, D.C. as Defendant. In the third lawsuit, an individual, Chris […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Plaintiff Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana, a copyright attorney and professional photographer, filed a new batch of lawsuits in the Southern District of Indiana. In each lawsuit, Bell asserts infringement of his intellectual property rights under Copyright Registration No. VA0001785115. This copyright registration, issued by the U.S. Copyright Office, covers photos entitled […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Photographer Richard Bell of McCordsville, Indiana, who is also both the filing attorney and Plaintiff, filed two new lawsuits in the Southern District of Indiana alleging infringement of two of his copyrighted photos, “Indianapolis Night Photo” and “Indianapolis Photo.” Bell states in his complaint that both photos have been registered with the […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt of the Southern District of Indiana denied Plaintiff’s request for partial summary judgment for declaratory relief and injunctive relief against Defendants in a copyright dispute over the use of Plaintiff’s copyrighted photograph of Indianapolis. This lawsuit dates back to June 7, 2011 when Plaintiff Richard N. Bell […]

Indianapolis, Indiana – Filing on his own behalf, copyright attorney and professional photographer Richard N. Bell of McCordsville, Indiana initiated litigation in the Southern District of Indiana alleging copyright infringement by KG American Real Estate Holdings, LLC (“KG”) of Duluth, Georgia. In 2000, Plaintiff Bell photographed the downtown Indianapolis skyline. Bell claims that the KG […]

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